UB researchers receive grants from la Caixa Banking Foundation
The grants of la Caixa Banking Foundation to leading research and innovation with great social impact were given on November 5. Researchers from the UB working on several field will receive funds in teh three action lines the entity promotes: postdoc grants to promote talent, the call for research projects on biomedicine and health and CaixaImpulse program.

Researchers of the UB who received the grants from CaixaImpulse program and the call for research projects on biomedicine and health.
The postdoc grant program Junior Leader la Caixa has given grants to the UB researchers Francesc Amat, from the Insitutions and Political Economy research group, for the project “Quins orígens té el populisme i la desafecció política?”; Matteo Cerruti, from the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) for “D’on venen els raigs còsmics?”; Anna Ferré, from ICCUB, for “Quin tipus de galàxies s’amaguen encara a l’Univers?”, and Héctor Gil, from ICCUB, for “Per què s’està accelerant l’Univers?”.
Regarding the call for research projects on biomedicine and health, Ofelia María Martínez got a grant for a project on heart metabolic changes and new regenerative therapies.
Last, CaixaImpulse will grant the UB researchers M. Carmen Escolano (“Podem afrontar la neurodegeneració amb una altra estratègia?”); Eva Estébanez (“Com podem desenvolupar nous medicaments per combatre el càncer de pròstata?”); Eugènia Martín (“Les fotografies fetes amb un telèfon mòbil poden ser suficientment fiables per al diagnòstic dermatològic?”); Eduard Torrents (“Un xip pot millorar el tractament d’infeccions cròniques?”), and Manuel Vázquez (“Millorarem el tractament de la diabetis de tipus 2?”).
La Caixa Banking Foundation has given around 400 million euros to excelence training, research and innovation since it started the grant program La Caixa, more than thirty years ago.