Escolab 2018 – From feeling to perception: illusion or (virtual) reality

On November 22nd, the Institute opened the doors of its laboratories to high school students. The activity was part of the municipal program Escolab, which aims to show high school students the research carried out in the most leading research centers in the country.

The Institute hosted Ceir-Arco school students. The day began with a general presentation about Neurosciences by Noemi Lamonja (Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology). Then the students were split into three groups and participated in three different activities:  a very fun escape room organised by Grup de Tècniques Estadístiques Avançades Aplicades a la Psicologia (GTEAAP),an EEG activity by Brainlab and a virtual reality immersion with VR-PSY LAB.


Escolab is part of a collaboration put on by the Ajuntament de Barcelona that aims to increase outreach of science knowledge at an early age. We participated in Escolab by engaging schools around Barcelona and inviting them to the institute for activities to learn about the brain.
