Study Group on Invariance of Analysis and Measurement Instruments of Change in the Social and Health Areas (GEIMAC)

ORCID Research Profile


Position: Full professor

Research team


Juan Antonio Amador Campos

Associate Professor

jamador (at) ub.edu


Maria Teresa Barrios Cerrejon

Associate Professor

mbarrios (at) ub.edu


Roser Bono Cabre

Associate Professor

rbono (at) ub.edu


Jorge Escartin Solanelles

Associate Professor

jordiescartin (at) ub.edu


Georgina Guilera Ferre

Associate Professor

gguilera (at) ub.edu


Teresa Kirchner Nebot

Associate Professor

tkirchner (at) ub.edu


Ernesto Magallon Neri

Assistant Professor

emagallonneri (at) ub.edu


Manuel Vicente Rojas Castellanos

Early stage researcher

mrojasc (at) ub.edu

Contact details


Prof. Juana Gómez Benito

Department of Metodologia de les Ciències del Comportament

Faculty of Psychology, Passeig Vall d’Hebron 171

08035 Barcelona (Spain)


juanagomez (at) ub.edu


Research Interests


The GEIMAC (Research Group on Measurement Invariance and Analysis of Change) is a a multidisciplinary team composed of methodologists, neuropsychologists, clinical and social psychologists, nurses and psychiatrists.
The group aims to develop a better understanding of social and health-related processes in areas that are considered to be a priority for today’s society. One of the defining characteristics of our group is that we conduct both basic and applied research in a range of areas, thereby helping to extend knowledge on both a theoretical and practical level by applying what is known to various problems of current relevance.


Current Research Lines


  • Violence and victimization
  • Prevention and intervention
  • Cognition and functioning


Highlighted publications


· Barrios, M., Guilera, G., Selb, M., Gómez-Benito, J. (in press). Identification of problems in the functioning of individuals with schizophrenia from the expert perspective: An internet-based survey. Disability and Rehabilitation.


· Guilera, G., Gómez-Benito, J., Pino, O., Rojo, E., Vieta, E., Cuesta, M.J., Purdon, S.E., Bernardo, M., Crespo-Facorro, B., Franco, M., Martínez-Arán, A., Safont, G., Tabarés-Seisdedos, R., Rejas, J., for the Spanish Working Group in Cognitive Function (2015). Disability in bipolar I disorder: The 36-item World Health Organization Disability Schedule 2.0. Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 353-360.


· Rodríguez-Carballeira, A.; Saldaña, O.; Almendros, C.; Martín-Peña, J.; Escartín, J.; Porrúa-García, C. (2015). Group psychological abuse: Taxonomy and severity of its components. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 7(1), 31-39.


· Kirchner, T., Forns, M., Soler, L., Planellas, I. (2014). Post-traumatic stress problems among poly-victimized Spanish youth: Time effect of past vs. recent interpersonal victimizations. Child abuse & neglect 38(8), 1303–1312.


· Amador-Campos, J.A., Gómez-Benito, J., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A. (2014). The Conners’ adult ADHD rating scales-Short self-report and observer forms: Psychometric properties of the catalan version. Journal of Attention Disorders, 18(8), 671-679.