III Annual PhD Workshop

Poster Session at the 3rd annual PhD Workshop
On the 16th and 17th of October 2018, the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona hosted the 3rd annual PhD Workshop at the Faculty of Medicine at Hospital Clínic. In addition to our own members, we proudly welcomed guests from our French partner organization, the Institute of Neurosciences of Grenoble.
The first day was dedicated to workshops on gender and ethics in science and sharpening valuable skills in statistics and academic writing, given by visiting speakers from throughout Spain. On the second day, our ECR attendees were given the opportunity to shine, where PhD students gave both poster and oral presentations on their current work. Furthermore, we heard interesting perspectives about career opportunities both inside and outside of academia from guest speakers Manolo Castellano and Cristina Malagelada, and had a chance to listen to an inspiring keynote lecture by Professor Carmen Sandi on her work on the implications of stress and anxiety for cognition and social behavior.
The workshop was concluded with an award ceremony that honored two PhD students for the best oral and poster presentations. We congratulate Doris Wennagel from the Institute of Neuroscience of Grenoble, awarded “Best Oral Presentation,” and Cristina Salado Manzano from the Institute of Neurosciences of Barcelona, awarded “Best Poster Presentation.”
We thank organizers from the Institute of Neurosciences Jordi Alberch, Cristina Pulido, Laia Tremosa and Kelsey Wilson and members of the PhD Committee Alba Andrés-Bilbé, Sara Fernández, Helena García Mieres, Björn Jörges, Marc López Cano and Teresa Ribas, for their dedication to making this year’s PhD workshop a success, and invite PhD students interested in serving on the PhD Committee of next year’s edition to get in touch with us by contacting ubneuro_info@ub.edu.