Developmental Neurobiology and Regeneration

ORCID Research Profile


Position: Full Professor

Research team


Marta Pascual Sanchez
Associate Professor
marpascual (at)


Ferran Burgaya Marquez
Associate Professor
fburgaya (at)


Jesus Mariano Ureña Bares
Associate Professor
jurena (at)


Fausto Alexander Ulloa Darquea
Associate Professor
fausto.ulloa (at)


Tiziana Cortrufo
Postdoctoral researcher
tcotrufo (at)


Ashraf Muhaisen
Postdoctoral researcher
ashrafmuhaisen (at)


Serena Mirra
Postdoctoral researcher
serena.mirra (at)


Jonatan Dorca Arevalo
Postdoctoral researcher
jondorca (at)


Yasmina Manso Sanz
Postdoctoral researcher
ymansosanz (at)


Daniela Rossi
Postdoctoral researcher
danielarossi (at)


Antoni Parcerisas Mosqueda
Early stage researcher


Cristina Rosello Busquets
Early stage researcher
cris.rosello (at)


Marc Hernaiz Llorens
Early stage researcher
marchernaiz (at)


Irene Lobon Garcia
Early stage researcher
ilobon (at)


Alba del Valle Vilchez Acosta
Early stage researcher
avilcheza (at)


Marco Antonio Solis Benites
Administrative and technical staff
msolisbenites (at)


Lluis Pujadas Puigdomenech

Contact details

Prof. Eduardo Soriano García

Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology

Faculty of Biology, Av. Diagonal 643

08028 Barcelona (Spain)


esoriano (at)

Research Interests


Brain development is a complex process which involves several sequential steps: regional determination, specification of neuronal cell types, control of cell migration, guidance and formation of neural connective networks, and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. The correct functioning of all these processes is essential for the construction of the brain. Our research focuses on the identification of new genes involved in these processes, and the characterization of the intracellular signalling pathways activated in growth cones in response to extracellular signals. Moreover, it is known that the adult brain does not regenerate, either after lesions or disease-associated cell-death processes. Studies on the mechanisms that govern the normal development and growth of the nervous system are essential to explain the lack of spontaneous brain repair in adult tissue and to design new regenerative approaches to repair brain lesions.

A second goal of the laboratory is to understand how key developmental genes play a fundamental role in neuronal plasticity in the adult brain, which is crucial for complex neural functions (e.g. learning and memory). The rationale is that adult plasticity (adult neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity) is reminiscent of developmental processes. Because dysregulation of adult neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity are implicated in neurological and psychiatric disorders, we aim also to understand how these genes contribute to the pathology of these diseases and whether modelling developmental genes in the adult brain ameliorate these neural disorders.

Current Research Lines


  • The Armcx Genomic Cluster in Normal and Pathological Conditions (Soriano, Burgaya)
  • SNARE Proteins: Development and Therapeutic Targets for Axonal Regeneration and Cancer (Soriano, Ulloa, Cotrufo)
  • Reelin, Neural Plasticity, Psychiatric disorders and Alzheimer Disease (Soriano, Pujadas)
  • Novel genetic approaches to AD pathogenesis (Soriano)
  • Rol of the Septohipocampal Pathway in AD pathonenesis (Pascual, Soriano)

Technologies / methods


  • Histology, surgery, molecular biology, electron microscopy.

Highlighted publications


· Teixeira M, Kron M, Masachs N, Zhang H, Lagace DC, Martinez A, Reillo I, Duan X, Bosch C, Pujadas L, Brunso L, Song H, Eisch AJ, Borrell V, Howell BW, Parent JM and Soriano E. Cell-autonomous inactivation of the Reelin pathway impairs adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience (2012), 32:12051-12065.

· López-Doménech G, Serrat R, Mirra S, D’Aniello S, Somorjai L, Abad M.A, Vitureira N, García-Arumí E, Alonso M.T, Rodríguez-Prados M, Burgaya F, Andreu A.L , García-Sancho J, Trullàs R, Garcia-Fernàndez J and Soriano E. The Eutherian Armcx genes regulate mitochondrial trafficking in neurons and interact with Miro and Trak2. Nature Communications.  (2012), 3:814.

· Defourny M, Poirrier A, Lallemend F, Mateo-Sánchez S, Neef J, Vanderhaeghen P, Soriano E, Peuckert C, Fritzsch B, Moonen G, Moser T and Malgrange B. Ephrin-A5/EphA4 signalling controls specific afferent targeting to cochlear hair cells. Nature Communications (2013), 4:1438.

· Pujadas L, Rossi D., Andres M., Teixeira CM, Serra-Vidal M, Maldonado R, Giralt E, Carulla N and Soriano E. Reelin interacts with Aβ42, delays amyloid plaque formation and rescues cognitive deficits in Alzheimer Disease. Nature Communications. (2014), 6;5:3443.

· Ros O, Cotrufo T and Soriano E. Patterned dynamics of local exocytosis in growth cones: regulation by Netrin1and dependence on the Erk1/2 and SFK pathways. Journal of Neuroscience. (2015), 35(13): 5156-70.